Isabella Persaud
2 min readFeb 11, 2021


Why we Need to Implement a Universal DNA Database

Imagine a world where all criminals can be easily identified and seldom people are falsely convicted. When we imagine this it sounds like a utopia, but it can easily become reality for us in the United States if we move forward.

To provide context, a DNA database is a stored set of genetic profiles that can be used for a variety of needs. These databases may be public or private. Law enforcement agencies use these databases to track collected evidence. They can also be used to analyze genetic diseases, perform genetic genealogy, and provide long-term information storage for short-term samples that are collected.

When a crime is committed without the presence of eyewitnesses, a person’s DNA can serve as evidence of their presence at the scene. A DNA database allows investigators to match collected samples against previous records to determine if matches are present. Should a match occur, the evidence against a suspect becomes much stronger. The presence of a DNA database helps to deter said crime because of the high levels of certainty that an accurate match is able to provide.DNA databases can help to reduce crime in communities that see criminal behaviors from repeat offenders. That makes it possible for law enforcement officials to take serial offenders off the streets with greater speed, while also deterring some individuals who might think about offending from doing so. In a report published by Forbes and Quora, Jennifer Doleac, Assistant Professors of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Virginia, reports that DNA…



Isabella Persaud

My name is Isabella! I am a highschool student in the U.S. and I enjoy writing opinion pieces on politics! I encourage you to join me and engage in my stories!